Sunday, March 24, 2013

Cook 7

Another chapter cleaned by Ashenta. So I worked my hardest to get it out to you today.

You guys should all go visit Fukuoka some day. It has the best food in all of Japan. Well, Osaka's good too, but if you like pork, then Fukuoka is definitely the place to be.

Some of the recipes in this series look good, but this one really doesn't do it for me. I considered trying to make each recipe and post pictures etc., but when they involve finding freshly caught fish to gut and/or tokoroten, I'm not as interested.

Anyway, here you go, guys.
Cooking Papa Volume 1 Chapter 7: No Matter How Much You Eat You Won't Get Fat Healthy Cooking

Also, if you ever find any problems with a chapter (grammar/spelling mistakes, etc), let me know in the comments and I'll fix them.